The VecLoader is an extremely powerful and robust industrial vacuum systems. The sheer size of this heavy duty workhorse, relates to its onsite performance and capability of generating a suction of 28" Hg with a flow of 3660 CFM. The unique design of the VecLoader makes it the ideal machine for clean-up, spill response and conveyance process in steel mills, carbide plants, cement plants, asbestos and hazardous waste removal applications. It directly discharges vacuumed products into a truck, dumpster or any other collecting device, without the need for shoveling, hoisting, dumping or other material handling equipment. The VecLoader can move coal, ash, dirt, blast media, sand, stone, slurry, industrial waste water and other flow able bulk materials through 6", 5", 4" or multiple smaller diameter hoses. Equipped with cyclone separators, filter receiver and a self-dumping hopper, the equipment is designed to suppress dust formation and dump waste without contaminating the surrounding.